turn routine bathing into an indulgent ritual of self-care and body appreciation.
From the TikTok creators who brought you “girl dinner,” we now present the “everything shower” — a concept that requires limited introduction. In short, it refers to the rare bathing experience whereby the central focus is leisure, rather than efficiency. You’re not hosing down in the hopes of rushing to work on time without raising hygiene concerns…you’re luxuriating. Maybe you wash and condition your hair. Perhaps you’re so bold as to utilize a face mask or a special exfoliant. Maybe you shave entirely (think: pits, legs, bikini). Perhaps you loofah your way to baby-soft skin with some kind of epidermis-peeling magical potion. That said, there is no right way to #everythingshower. There are no preordained steps or required stages. The wellness trend is more accurately about taking the rare opportunity to make your shower experience feel indulgent, intentional, and long (the internet claims a 4-hour everything shower is not out of the question).
Of course, not all of us can manage a bathing experience the length of a Spielberg double feature — especially not on a weekly basis. But even at a fraction of that timing, the merit is very real. For many, there’s a certain anticipation here. Perhaps it’s a way of preparing for a date, a big day at work, a book reading, whatever personal event warrants you feeling like you’ve given yourself the time and energy to properly primp (whatever primping means to you). It can involve premeditative routines (hair masks, face masks) or post-haste rituals (blow outs, decadent moisturizing regiments) — but regardless of the nuances, the point is to celebrate (and, in turn, enjoy) some of the more decidedly tedious tasks that come with general preparedness.
Sure, in some senses, the whole affair can build a sense of confidence — and lend a slow, delicate appreciation to the act of getting ready (think of it like a good-for-you pregame). But more importantly, it’s a longform exercise in both honoring, appreciating, and spending some time interfacing with your body. It’s the kind of thing that can help increase libido, or merely enhance comfort with various sexual partners. And hell, if that requires a four-hour exfoliation process, so be it. Long story long — however *TikTok* the everything shower fad may sound, the eventual pay off may be more outsized than you think.