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Natalie & elizabeth.

natalie & elizabeth.

As a part of our maudern people series, we asked bi-coastal couple Natalie Shirinian and Elizabeth Baudouin for insights on modern intimacy. Natalie is a filmmaker, founder of NES and Femme en Feast; Elizabeth is a writer and partner at NES.

What is your relationship status?


How long have you been together?

6 1/2 years 

How did you meet?

I emailed Elizabeth when my good friend Gloria Noto told me I was her type. We were both single at the time so I went for it and the rest is history.

In your day to day life, how do you make time for intimacy?

Every night at 7 pm we watch a classic film and since the days are longer being almost summer, it’s dusk out at that time and the sky is perfect. We get close it’s just us and classic cinema. 

You feel most loved when__

N: I am understood.
E: She sees me. 

A favorite literary or on-screen romance: 

N: Grace Kelly and Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window.
E: Bette & Tina on the L Word (true story.) Also the main characters in Portrait of a Lady on Fire

Unexpected turn-on:

E: When she breaks out into various dance out of nowhere; when she raises an eyebrow; when she winks. 

The perfect date:

N: Walking around the west village at night after dinner or an event OR any night in Italy. 
E: Any night in New York or Milan. 

Your in the mood food: 

N: A perfect steak and a martini 
E: Dark chocolate sorbet.

Drink of choice:

N: Chopin martini up, 3 olives. 
E: a special occasion Negroni

A sexy or intimate song you love:

N: Music doesn’t get me in the mood, it actually takes me out of the mood and into my head.
E: Little Dragon always brings me back to us. 

Dating advice to your younger self:

N: You’re not straight.
E: It will make sense later.

What your parents said about love and relationships:

N: “As long as you’re happy,” from my dad, “Find a gentleman. It helps if he’s well off.” From my mom.
E: Divorce x Dyke drama = Good luck. 

Favorite scent:

N: charcoal grill at night OR wet cement - it gets me going.
E: ocean and Palo santo. We both also love church smells—the ancient incense is heaven. 


For Natalie & Elizabeth's movie recommendations see their curated films here.